Meet Our Sponsors!
The special Businesses that support you by sponsoring Us!

Earth Notions
Better Food. Better Health! Words the Earth Notions team has lived by for the last 20 years in business, giving everyday people access to the world's highest quality, responsibly sourced superfoods and natural ingredients. If you want to increase the flavour and nutritional value of your diet, check out their premium quality lines of Cacao, Maca and other superfoods!

MegaCity HVAC
Megacity Heating and Air Conditioning is a proud family owned business serving the GTA since 1999, offering a wide range of furnace, air conditioning, water heater and filtration options for your home. Megacity Heating and Air Conditioning is a proud family owned business serving the GTA since 1999, offering a wide range of furnace, air conditioning, water heater and filtration options for your home.

Parallel Strategy
Parallel is a Toronto based full-suite strategic agency. This team of experts helps businesses design and execute digital strategy, branding, web design and marketing to meet their goals. They also designed this website! Working with their team gives you a powerful suite of design, artificial intelligence and strategic tools to drive measurable results.