Stop Over Development at

390 Woodsworth Road

Sign Petition

More info about this development:

Recently, the York Mills Neighbours Association (YMNA) learned of a proposed major new redevelopment project that will impact our community. The developer, Plaza Partners, proposes to demolish 48 (or 60%) of the townhouses located at 390-400 Woodsworth Road, north of Bannatyne Drive, and replace them with three 8 storey towers.

These towers will be located on the east side of the property along Leslie Street. This development is out of keeping with the character of our neighbourhood. A tenant information virtual meeting was held by the developer with townhouse tenants on Tuesday, October 26. The YMNA attended this meeting as a community stakeholder.

Why we oppose this development:

Our concerns with this application including, but not limited to:

  1. The demolition of 48 existing, three-bedroom rental units
  2. The exacerbation of existing traffic issues in the area
  3. The height, built form, and massing of the proposed development
  4. The proposed removal of 147 trees on site
  5. The impacts of construction on immediate neighbours, particularly those living in the retained townhouses to the west of the site
  6. The potential for privacy and overlook issues on neighbouring properties

We will represent the interests of the York Mills community in opposing high density development that is clearly out of character with our local area.

See Councillor Jaye Robinson's letter to the community

Sign the petition

Help preserve the value, safety & character of our neighbourhoods and communities

Please include the following phrase in Your Message:

I am signing the petition regarding the development at

390 Woodsworth Road


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